x-bionic® aquatic sphere

Milí návštevníci, v dňoch od 20.1. do 24.1.2025 (Pondelok – Piatok) bude v x-bionic® aquatic sphere prebiehať sanitácia . Z tohoto dôvodu bude vstup na 25m bazén, prieplavový bazén a tobogány pre verejnosť neprístupný. Dráhy pre verejnosť sú k dispozícií podľa aktuálneho rozpisu na 50m bazéne. Viac informácií o obmedzení prevádzky nájdete tu. Ďakujeme za pochopenie.

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The competition-specific preparation camp is for all ambitious triathletes, who are specifically targeting the Challenge Championship or athletes, who want to prepare for their personal highlight of the season. Register right here and get all information on the triathlon preparation camp at X-Bionic Sphere starting from 24th of April until 1st of May 2021. Professional […]

The registration for one of the biggest triathlon events of the year is open now: THECHAMPIONSHIP 2021! The event will take place on May 22nd and 23rd, 2021. As last year’s event was cancelled due to the coronavirus, there are a few things you have to take into account when registering for 2021. Below we’ll […]

Quarantine Center for Elite Sports Šamorín Ensuring the continuity of safe sports training during the current uncertain situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic Thanks to the joint initiative between the Slovak Olympic and Sports Committee and the Olympic Training Center, a Quarantine Center for top sports was established in Šamorín with the aim to help […]

Changes in x-bionic® sphere effective from 15.10.2020 Dear visitors, Despite our effort to provide services through this difficult times and based on the pandemic regulations effective from 15.10.2020, we are forced to close or limit our operations as follows : Closed operations for public : accomodation services in X-BIONIC® HOTEL Restaurants Olym-Pick, Farrier’s, Golden Garden as well including  […]

Plavecký tábor pre deti

Discover and improve your child’s talent for sports x-bionic® aquatic sphere is the perfect place to discover and improve your child’s talent for sports. A team of XBS swimming club trainers is organising a camp that will be remembered for a lifetime. Do not hesitate and sign up your children aged 6–15 as soon as […]

8. mája Pomlé Run 8

Register today The eight year of the popular running event Pomlé Run is here! We invite all sports devotees, running enthusiasts and family competition fans to participate in this unique event and showcase their talents.