x-bionic® aquatic sphere

Milí návštevníci, počas jarných prázdnin v dňoch od 24.2. do 02.03.2025 bude x-bionic® aquatic sphere otvorená od 8:00 do 20:00.
Dear visitors, during the spring break from February 24 to March 2, 2025, the x-bionic® aquatic sphere will be open from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM.

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Book your stay for triatlon race The Championship 2020 until 30th september and get a discounted price!

We would like to inform you about the changes in our training schedule. Thank you for your understaning and we look forward to seeing you in our Gym. BRUTAL WORKOUT – change in training times every Tuesday and Thursday 7:00-8:00 For trainings you need to register in advance at the Gym reception.

Watch the short and engaging video of The Championship 2019.  

Sebastian Kienle from Germany took home the main win of the professional part of The Championship 2019. The champion title in the women’s part of the race went to the British athlete Lucy Charles-Barclay, who’s won the Samorin race for the third time this year.   The hot summer weather has kicked off the last […]

She led the whole race and the finish was the first! Congratulations on victory, Lucy Anne Charles! See the interview.

1. GER – Sebastian Kienle (3:38:50) 2. BEL – Pieter Heemeryck (3:39:22) 3. USA – Rodolphe Von Berg (3:39:47) Sebastian Kienle – world champion in middle triathlon 2019

The water temperature is 14.4 degrees Celsius, the air temperature now is 18.5 and is going up. That means we will swim the original swim course of 1900 meter! It’s mandatory to swim with wetsuit. We strongly recommend to warm up in the water before start, which can be done left hand side of the […]

The conditions of the swim course have been improved, so all SUNDAY races will have a swim in the Danube River. The water temperature will be measured Sunday morning, to make a final decision if there’s a need to shorten the course, according to ITU rules. At 8.00 AM this information will be published.

First day of TheChampionship was packed sun and excitement: ‘I’ve been racing on many places on the world, but this is definitely the best one’ Sunny weather and the perfect sporting conditions on the Saturday of June 1 have attracted thousands of sport fans and athletes to the X-Bionic sphere in Samorin. Together they have […]

We are monitoring the conditions of the swim course very closely. Due to the combination of a low temperature, a strong current and drifting wood, we had to decide to cancel the swim in the river on SATURDAY. This will mean that all triathlon events on SATURDAY will be moved to the 50m pool of […]