x-bionic® aquatic sphere

Milí návštevníci, počas jarných prázdnin v dňoch od 24.2. do 02.03.2025 bude x-bionic® aquatic sphere otvorená od 8:00 do 20:00.
Dear visitors, during the spring break from February 24 to March 2, 2025, the x-bionic® aquatic sphere will be open from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM.

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The competition-specific preparation camp is for all ambitious triathletes, who are specifically targeting the Challenge Championship or athletes, who want to prepare for their personal highlight of the season. Register right here and get all information on the triathlon preparation camp at X-Bionic Sphere starting from 24th of April until 1st of May 2021. Professional […]

The registration for one of the biggest triathlon events of the year is open now: THECHAMPIONSHIP 2021! The event will take place on May 22nd and 23rd, 2021. As last year’s event was cancelled due to the coronavirus, there are a few things you have to take into account when registering for 2021. Below we’ll […]

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Discover and improve your child’s talent for sports x-bionic® aquatic sphere is the perfect place to discover and improve your child’s talent for sports. A team of XBS swimming club trainers is organising a camp that will be remembered for a lifetime. Do not hesitate and sign up your children aged 6–15 as soon as […]

The water temperature is 14.4 degrees Celsius, the air temperature now is 18.5 and is going up. That means we will swim the original swim course of 1900 meter! It’s mandatory to swim with wetsuit. We strongly recommend to warm up in the water before start, which can be done left hand side of the […]

The conditions of the swim course have been improved, so all SUNDAY races will have a swim in the Danube River. The water temperature will be measured Sunday morning, to make a final decision if there’s a need to shorten the course, according to ITU rules. At 8.00 AM this information will be published.

We are monitoring the conditions of the swim course very closely. Due to the combination of a low temperature, a strong current and drifting wood, we had to decide to cancel the swim in the river on SATURDAY. This will mean that all triathlon events on SATURDAY will be moved to the 50m pool of […]

Dr. Igor Bukovsky will give a lecture at Sport Food Festival. On 8 September 2018, x-bionic® sphere will host the extraordinary sport event Sport Food Festival. In addition to the sport element, we will also pay attention to balanced lifestyles. Besides the cooking with our best chefs Fiorenzo Ricci and Alexander Ileš you can also […]

Kickbox aerobics with the most famous Slovak fitness trainer Zora Czoborova On 8 September 2018, x-bionic® sphere will host the extraordinary sport event Sport Food Festival. The sport part of the festival will be really varied, there will be professional instructors and trainers available so you could try yoga with Fredy Ayisi, body building with […]