x-bionic® aquatic sphere

Milí návštevníci, počas jarných prázdnin v dňoch od 24.2. do 02.03.2025 bude x-bionic® aquatic sphere otvorená od 8:00 do 20:00.
Dear visitors, during the spring break from February 24 to March 2, 2025, the x-bionic® aquatic sphere will be open from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM.

Farrier’s Arena Polo Cup

The Farrier’s Arena Polo Cup will take place from June 24 to June 26, 2022, and invited guests as well as the general public can look forward not only to fast and stylish sport but also to a rich accompanying program and excellent refreshments.

The Polo Arena tournament is a demonstration of the skills of horse polo players and offers an intense look at the course of the games. Four international teams will compete with each other and members have a unique opportunity to become part of a sport full of adrenaline, or a unique evening show under artificial lighting.

Visitors can also look forward to a unique experience from the commentator Honza, who comes from Germany, currently lives and works in Prague. An avid golfer and polo player, where he become passionate also for commentating, which allowed him to comment in various countries around the world, such as Denmark or Singapore.

Program of the event


13:00 Animation program for children

13:00 Presentation of new Land Rover and Jaguar models / JP Auto

15:00 First semifinal match

16:45 Break

17:00 Second semifinal match

19:30 Player’s party*


10:00 Animation program for children

10:00 Land Rover and Jaguar test drives / JP Auto

14:00 Garden Party*

14:30 Presentations by event partners

15:30 Semifinal place match zapas o tretie miesto

16:30 Concert Cigánski diabli a Vanessa Šarközi

17:30 Final match for 1st place

18:30 Prize giving ceremony

20:00 Concert Karol Csino


10:00 Animation program for children

10:00 Land Rover and Jaguar test drives / JP Auto

10:00 First exhibition match

11:15 Break

11:30 Second exhibition match

*For invited guests only. If you are interested in purchasing tickets for Saturday’s Garden Party with all-day catering and presentations of the partners of the event, contact us at +421 910 497 094 (sales price is 150 €)

Tickets for Saturday’s Garden Party

If you want to experience the exclusive VIP atmosphere of Farrier’s Arena Cup by JP Auto, buy tickets to Saturday’s Garden Party, where rich catering and possibilities to meet celebrities of the Slovak showbusiness awaits you.

Animations throughout the day

Our great animators from the Planet FUN family club will take care of the animations throughout the day.


13:00 -17: 30 Face painting in the WILD stand, canvas painting and shadow drawing in the CREATIVE stand, braiding in the BEAUTY stand


10:00 -18: 00 Face painting at the WILD stand, T-shirt painting, canvas painting and shadow drawing at the CREATIVE stand, braiding at the BEAUTY stand


10:00 -12: 30 Creating an image from waste material in the ECO stand, creating necklaces from pasta in the CREATIVE stand, beauty corner in the BEAUTY stand

12:30 -14: 00 Horse show with the possibility to take a photo, riding horses from 12 years with assistance, launching a ball on horseback and launching a ball from a wooden simulator + competitions
