x-bionic® aquatic sphere

Milí návštevníci, v dňoch od 20.1. do 24.1.2025 (Pondelok – Piatok) bude v x-bionic® aquatic sphere prebiehať sanitácia . Z tohoto dôvodu bude vstup na 25m bazén, prieplavový bazén a tobogány pre verejnosť neprístupný. Dráhy pre verejnosť sú k dispozícií podľa aktuálneho rozpisu na 50m bazéne. Viac informácií o obmedzení prevádzky nájdete tu. Ďakujeme za pochopenie.

Current public events


There’s always something interesting going on at the x-bionic® sphere! This year-round open and publicly accessible area, depending on the current season, becomes the venue for international and top local and leisure sports events, workshops, and courses or occasional cultural and social events.

Keep an eye on the planned events and do not miss out on the attractive experiences and great atmosphere of events taking place in every part of the x-bionic® sphere.

Zákaznícky program v x-bionic sphere
Pay with your X-CARD and get extra credit!

Since June 1, 2018 you can benefit from the new X-CARD customer program. X-CARD is a unique card that you can charge with credit in any amount, use it for payments within the entire resort and get an extra credit every month.