x-bionic® aquatic sphere

Milí návštevníci, v dňoch od 20.1. do 24.1.2025 (Pondelok – Piatok) bude v x-bionic® aquatic sphere prebiehať sanitácia . Z tohoto dôvodu bude vstup na 25m bazén, prieplavový bazén a tobogány pre verejnosť neprístupný. Dráhy pre verejnosť sú k dispozícií podľa aktuálneho rozpisu na 50m bazéne. Viac informácií o obmedzení prevádzky nájdete tu. Ďakujeme za pochopenie.

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Are you a cycling enthusiast? Summer season has ended and you are wondering how to get back on track and keep up the stamina you worked so hard for? We are offering you a solution in form of indoor rides on our WAHOO – KICKR SMART V5 cycling simulators combined with road bicycles BIANCHI. The cycling simulator offers ultra silent ride as well as an experience of a ride almost identical to an outdoors training. With us you can train on professional cycling simulators, used by top athletes as well as hobby cyclists all-around the world.

What do you need?
  • Your cleen bicycle (11 or 10 speed cassette on back wheel).
  • Computer or a device that enables you to connect to one of the training apps (eg. Zwift). Of course you can ride without the app if choose so.
  • Training gear (clothes)
  • And last but not least a will to work hard.

WAHOO Training Room contains:

The entrence to the training room is through the main x-bionic power sphere entrance.

Entry / 7 € / person

Are you interested in private sessions?
No problem, all you need to do is make a reservation for you club in advance via the gym telephone number : +421 313 262 361 or via e-mail at : gym@x-bionicsphere.com.