x-bionic® aquatic sphere

Milí návštevníci, v dňoch od 20.1. do 24.1.2025 (Pondelok – Piatok) bude v x-bionic® aquatic sphere prebiehať sanitácia . Z tohoto dôvodu bude vstup na 25m bazén, prieplavový bazén a tobogány pre verejnosť neprístupný. Dráhy pre verejnosť sú k dispozícií podľa aktuálneho rozpisu na 50m bazéne. Viac informácií o obmedzení prevádzky nájdete tu. Ďakujeme za pochopenie.

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Olym-Pick brings you a wide selection of dishes and drinks of your choice. The offer includes pasta of our own production in various ways, genuine Italian risotto, crunchy pizza, meals prepared on a lava grill or international cuisine.

Opening hours

The Olym-Pick restaurant is open daily and the capacity is more than 350 guests.

Breakfast 0700 – 1000
Lunch 1130 – 1400
Dinner 1800 – 2100
Contact and reservations

x-bionic® flavour sphere

+421 904 210 261

Latest news from x-bionic® flavour sphere

We strive to make you feel the best during your stay. Thet’s why you can always find the latest announcements about news or limitations at x-bionic® sphere.

the universe of sports, leisure and innovation
  1. Hotel Entry
  2. Olym-Pick