x-bionic® aquatic sphere

Vážení návštevníci, v dňoch od 25.1. do 31.1. bude v x-bionic® aquatic sphere bude prebiehať napúšťanie 25m bazéna. Z tohoto dôvodu je plávanie pre verejnosť prístupné na 50m bazéne, podľa aktuálneho rozpisu tu. Prieplavový bazén a tobogány sú k dispozícií. Ďakujeme za pochopenie.

Changes in x-bionic® sphere effective from 15.10.2020

Dear visitors,

Despite our effort to provide services through this difficult times and based on the pandemic regulations effective from 15.10.2020, we are forced to close or limit our operations as follows :

Closed operations for public :

  • accomodation services in X-BIONIC® HOTEL
  • Restaurants Olym-Pick, Farrier’s, Golden Garden as well including  X-Bar a Legend’s Bar operations
  • Swimming pools and water attractions in x-bionic® aquatic sphere
  • X-bionic® wellness sphere services
  • Tuli® Cinema
  • Gym and all other x-bionic® power sphere services
  • Educational and amusement playground AdventureLand

Further operations remaining open:

  • Take-away and delivery from APANI® Restaurant tel. +421 904 210 261
  • Take-away and delivery  of goose feast and other meals from Golden Garden Restaurant

Friday-Sunday, tel. +421 904 210 261

  • Pick Up spot for  X-BIONIC® Store(tel. +421 904 210 261)