x-bionic® aquatic sphere

Vážení návštevníci, v dňoch od 25.1. do 31.1. bude v x-bionic® aquatic sphere bude prebiehať napúšťanie 25m bazéna. Z tohoto dôvodu je plávanie pre verejnosť prístupné na 50m bazéne, podľa aktuálneho rozpisu tu. Prieplavový bazén a tobogány sú k dispozícií. Ďakujeme za pochopenie.

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Join us at the Rebuy Stars poker tournament that will take place during the biggest darts event in Slovakia – Darts Slovak Open 2019. The tournament will start at 3.30 pm and continue until 2.00 am, or even later if players are interested. Each table has a maximum capacity of 9 seats.

Tournament schedule

Table No. 1

 300 pm Registration starts for table No. 1
330  pm Tournament starts
430 pm The next registration starts for table No. 1
500 pm Tournament starts
600 pm Tournament ends


 Table No. 2

330pm Registration starts for table No. 2
400 pm Tournament starts
500 pm The next registration starts for table No. 2
530 pm Tournament starts
630 pm Tournament ends


Cash Game

730 pm Registration starts
800 pm Tournament starts

The cash game will continue on until 2 am depending on the number of players – if players are interested, they can continue playing even after 2 am.