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FEI World Endurance Championship for Young Horses 2018 at x-bionic® sphere

Press release

The best Slovak representative was Dominika Kleinová with her horse VICTUS S.

ŠAMORÍN – On 29 September 2018, x-bionic® sphere hosted the World Endurance Championship for Young Horses in Šamorín and its surroundings. There were 46 competitors from 15 countries from all over the world. The riders competed on a 120 km long track divided into four rounds (36 km, 36 km, 30 km and 18 km) which crossed the villages of Hamuliakovo, Dunajská Lužná, Kyselica, Báč, Horný Bar and Trstená, and the champion was Al Abbar Mohd. Ahmed Hassan with his horse GELNY from the United Arab Emirates. The second and third places were held by riders from Qatar, Al Nualmi Khalid Sanad (DEMONJOI AL SHAQAB) and Mohammad Atta Mohammad (AIZ SHAQAB), respectively.

The best of the eight Slovak riders was Dominika Kleinová with her horse Victus S., who came fifth less than 4 minutes after the winner. “I am delighted. It was a beautiful race and we handled it very well. It is always motivating to compete at home. I had an excellent team who helped me throughout the entire race. This was the best result in my career,” said the 27-year old Slovak representative.
The Condition Award was given to GELNY.


Contact for the media:
Martin Simonides, Head of PR and Communication x-bionic® sphere
+421 911 197 146