x-bionic® aquatic sphere

Milí návštevníci, dňa 23.11.2024 v sobotu, bude prevádzka x-bionic® aquatic sphere otvorená pre verejnosť od 12:00 z dôvodu konania plaveckých pretekov. Ďakujeme za pochopenie. 

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Dear athletes, as you may have noticed the heavy rains in Danube river basin caused a stronger current and higher water level. Conditions change by the hour, and we are monitoring these closely. The weather has also effect on the roads along the river and the surface of the horse track. On this moment we have to decide to make some changes due to the weather conditions in the schedule of the planned training sessions today and tomorrow:


– The Bike course training TODAY (14:00) will be cancelled. Unfortunately we can’t provide an alternative group ride today. The bike course have been sign posted, so you can decide to go by your own, whenever you think it’s safe.

– The Run course training TODAY (17:00-18:00) and FRIDAY (8:30-10:30) will be cancelled. You can use the run track in the athletic stadium (entrance next to grandstands/tribune) at same time.

– The Swim course training in Danube River on FRIDAY (7:00-9:00) will be cancelled.

For next training sessions on Friday we will make further announcements on Friday 9.00 AM on the Championship Facebook page, and at the digital signs at reception, info desks and registration desk.

We follow the conditions of the weather as they can change by the hour, and try to offer you the best possible experience, but safety always comes first. On this moment there is no change in the courses or schedules for Saturday and Sunday races.