x-bionic® aquatic sphere

Milí návštevníci, v dňoch od 20.1. do 24.1.2025 (Pondelok – Piatok) bude v x-bionic® aquatic sphere prebiehať sanitácia . Z tohoto dôvodu bude vstup na 25m bazén, prieplavový bazén a tobogány pre verejnosť neprístupný. Dráhy pre verejnosť sú k dispozícií podľa aktuálneho rozpisu na 50m bazéne. Viac informácií o obmedzení prevádzky nájdete tu. Ďakujeme za pochopenie.

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Dear clients, we are trying to do as much as possible for you, which is also why the 25 m pool is closed this week (January 23 until January 26, 2023). The pool is undergoing full sanitation. Morning swims are moved to the 50 m pool. On Friday 27, x-bionic® aquatic sphere is completely closed to public. We would like to inform you that upcoming weekend (January 28 to January 29, 2023) water temperature in the 25 m will be lower than usual. We are looking forward to all the people who are not afraid of cold water 🙂

For any questions, please contact us via the WhatsApp application at the phone number + 421 911 011 710.