x-bionic® sphere

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Energochemica Grand Prix CSI4* won by Polish athlete Skrzyczynski


ŠAMORÍN – Polish athlete Jarosław Skrzyczynski won the Grand Prix CSI4* with a total subsidy of EUR 92.100 presented by Energochemica at this weekend’s X-BIONIC® INDOOR MASTER. Aboard Chacclana, a 9-year-old mare, he made no mistakes in the two rounds with 1.60 m hurdles. The track was designed by Italian Pier Francesco Bazzocchi.

The first round went perfectly for seven competitors. The Polish rider jumped parkour in 38.23 seconds and set a high standard for the other athletes. Wilm Vermeir of Belgium and Max Kühner of Austria were faster than Skrzyczynski, but they both made one mistake. Two-time Olympian Katharina Offel aboard JK Horsetrucksom Leasure Z played it safe, but her final time of 48.45 seconds was enough only for third place. Dominique Hendrickx of Belgium (winner of CSI4 * Energochemica Grand Prix at X-BIONIC® SUMMER TOUR) aboard Kannabis van de Bucxtale finished second.

The only Slovak representative at CSI4* Grand Prix was Bronislav Chudyba with his horse Lester IX, which finished eleventh. The horse jumped excellently; however, we weren’t lucky. When you make a mistake at the last obstacle, it doesn’t feel good. But the race was excellently organized, the x-bionic® sphere is a great place for riders and horses. I’m always very happy to race here ,said Chudyba.

In 2018, X-BIONIC® INDOOR MASTER at x-bionic®sphere in Šamorín hosted 130 athletes from all over the world who competed in 15 races within CSI2* and CSI4*.

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